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3rd-Party Events

Thank you for your interest in planning an event to benefit NW Sarcoma Foundation. NW Sarcoma Foundation provides hope, education, and research to Sarcoma patients and their families, thanks to the generosity of our donors and friends, like you. From hosting a dinner party to organizing a golf tournament or donating proceeds from product sales, there are countless ways that you can raise funds to help NW Sarcoma Foundation improve the health of the public.

Types of 3rd-party events

Community Events: These are ticketed, and registration-based events hosted by a third-party that benefit NW Sarcoma Foundation. Whether it is a walk/run, wine tasting or craft fair, community events are great way to bring the community together for a good cause.


Personal Campaigns: These give any individual the power to creatively fundraise in their own way. Fundraising pages around life events, including weddings, birthdays and memorials inspire the generosity of family and friends. Other ideas include a supporter riding their bike across the continent or hosting an Oscar party for a NW Sarcoma Foundation beneficiary.

Challenge Events: Turn existing high-profile marathons, triathlons and cycling races into a fundraising opportunity. When one of our supporters decides to run in a marathon, their participation can directly benefit NW Sarcoma Foundation.

Remember: Giving is personal; find your unique and meaningful way to fundraise for NW Sarcoma Foundation.

How We Can Help


Your NW Sarcoma Foundation contact is happy to help in some of the following ways:


· Offer advice and expertise on event planning and accepting donations.

· Provide a letter of authorization to be used to validate the authenticity of the event and its organizers.

· Provide limited NW Sarcoma Foundation promotional supplies, such as informational brochures.

· Assist you in matching your event to the most appropriate program.

· Produce acknowledgment letters to individual donors.

· Post your event on our NW Sarcoma Foundation website,


The guidelines align with our mission, commitment to excellence, and ensure a high-quality return on investment.


To learn more about 3rd-party events, see below. Thank you for considering a partnership!

  • What’s a 3rd party Fundraiser?
    A fundraiser planned and carried out by an outside group or individual with proceeds benefiting Northwest Sarcoma Foundation.
  • Who can put on a 3rd Party Fundraiser for NWSF?
    Anyone! Patients, survivors, family members, community organizations, youth groups, faith groups - anyone and everyone who wants to help ensure that No One Faces Sarcoma Alone.
  • Will donations get a tax receipt?
    Donations must be made directly by check payable to NWSF, through a Facebook fundraiser or via our website to be tax deductible. Checks can be mailed to: NWSF, 117 E. Louisa Street #443, Seattle, WA 98102.
  • Can Northwest Sarcoma Foundation provide insurance for my event?
    No. NWSF is the beneficiary, but has no direct involvement in running 3rd party fundraisers. Therefore, we are not able to provide insurance. The event organizer is responsible for obtaining insurance. EventInsurancenow is a potential provider.
  • Can Northwest Sarcoma Foundation apply for an event permit for a 3rd party event on our behalf?
    No. Unfortunately, since we cannot provide insurance, we are not able to apply for event permits.

If you’re interested in creating an online fundraiser, you can use one of these websites:

It's a great way to celebrate birthdays, weddings, anniversaries or any occasion!


For information on Tribute and Memorial gifts, please visit this page.

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