Program Description
Northwest Sarcoma Foundation Research Grants were established to support researchers studying Sarcoma. Each year, the Foundation provides varying levels of funding to support Sarcoma research.
We fund research that supports our mission. Research projects must have a specific focus on Sarcoma but may be broad across all Sarcoma subtypes or specific to a single histology.
Funding examples include:
New discovery research
Translational research
Precision medicine
Survivorship and quality of life
Supportive care

Eligible researchers will conduct the NWSF-supported research at academic, medical, or research institutions. Preference is given to those based in one of the five states the Foundation serves: Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington. Applicants need not be American citizens.
Research projects must have direct applicability and relevance to sarcoma. They may be in any discipline of basic, clinical, translational, or epidemiological research.
During each grant cycle, an applicant can only apply once.
Budgetary overlap with other funded projects is not allowed.
Application Guidelines
Application process opens on August 15th. The application should include these four components:
1. Lay abstract (250 words or less)
Since this summary will be public information, do not include any proprietary or confidential information.
Must be SIMPLE and BASIC
2. Project description (no more than 2 pages, exclusive of references, 1” margins, Times New Roman or Arial 11pt font). Be sure to include:
Succinct description of the project.
How does the project align with the mission of the Foundation?
Project goals. Ideally, should be SMART: Specific (simple, sensible, significant), Measurable (meaningful, motivating), Achievable (agreed, attainable within 1 year), Relevant (reasonable, realistic and resourced, results-based), Time-bound (time-based, time-limited, time/cost limited, timely, time-sensitive).
How NWSF support will advance your research, including future directions.
3. Budget & budget justification. No more than 1 page.
4. Principal Investigator’s CV or NIH Biosketch
A single PDF document should be sent to Only applications received by the deadline will be accepted. 2025 deadline: 5 p.m. Pacific Time, October 15, 2025.
For 2025, the NWSF Research Grant provides up to $10,000 for one year. Funds may be used for salary, technical assistance, supplies, capital equipment, or scientific travel. NWSF does not provide funds for indirect costs. We will consider applications for amounts below $10,000, in which case we may fund more than one project.
Application Deadline
Applications should be submitted to by 5 p.m. Pacific Time on Wednesday, October 15, 2025. Applicants will receive confirmation of receipt within 48 hours of submission.
Award Process
All qualified applicants will receive consideration for funding without regard to race, color, ethnicity/national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, pregnancy, religion, belief and spirituality, age, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.
The NWSF Research Committee will review each application. The Committee will make funding recommendations to the NWSF Board of Directors. Final funding decisions will be made by the Board. All rankings and evaluations are considered confidential.
Applicants will be notified of funding decisions via email by December 15th. Aside from the funding decision, no application feedback or reviews will be provided to applicants.
Awards activate on January 1, 2026. Payments are made payable to the host institution academic institution, non-profit research institution, or laboratory.
Progress Reports and Acknowledgement
Participation in at least one NWSF event is strongly encouraged. In addition, the Awardee must submit one brief progress report (due July 1, 2025) and a brief final report presentation during the following year's January Board Meeting. The awardee is expected to acknowledge “Northwest Sarcoma Foundation” as applicable in all publications and any news released about the research project.